Benefits and services

The Deutsche Bank Health Insurance Fund (BKK) makes sure you're always on the safe side. Information on how this system works and what benefits and services the BKK can offer you – for example, if you should get sick and need help – can be found here.

Health insurance card

If you visit the doctor or dentist or need to go to hospital, you will be treated upon presentation of your health insurance card.

You will receive the health insurance card at the start of your insurance cover by the company health insurance fund.No medical details are stored on the card.

Learn more about the health insurance card

Visits to the doctor and hospital

If you visit the doctor or need to go to hospital, you will be treated upon presentation of your health insurance card. Under normal circumstances you do not have to pay a bill from the doctor or hospital and wait for it to be reimbursed. The service providers settle up directly with the company health insurance fund. However, in some cases there may be a small excess that you have to pay directly, for example in the pharmacy.

If you need to visit a doctor, you should make an appointment by phone if possible. Of course this does not apply to emergency cases.

Not sure which doctor or specialist you can use? Why not consult our mediLine free medical con – sultation service – Telephone: 0211 9065-651. The team there will be happy to help you from 7 am to 10 pm, 365 days a year.

Outpatient medical and dental treatment

Outpatient treatment includes the prevention, early detection and treatment of diseases. Services must be adequate and appropriate. As an insured member of the Deutsche Bank BKK company health insurance fund, you are free to choose any doctor, provided he/she is an approved contract doctor. This covers the vast majority of doctors, as only a few are purely ”private doctors“. In addition to the medical practices, there are also medical centres and hospital outpatient clinics that are approved for medical treatment.

The doctor charges the costs of the treatment directly to the BKK using the information on the health insurance card. If special examinations are necessary, your family doctor will refer you to a specialist e.g. an orthopaedic specialist, ophthalmologist).


The doctor will prescribe the medicines that are needed for treatment. You have to pay an excess, or additional payment, for this. The excess is generally ten percent of the price, but a minimum of 5 euros and a maximum of 10 euros per prescription. Some medicines are also exempt from excess payments. Non-prescription medicines may only be prescribed by the doctor at the expense of the health insurer in exceptional cases.You can obtain the medication from the pharmacy. All you have to do is present your BKK electronic health card so that the pharmacy can call up the medication prescribed by your doctor.This is also where the additional payment is to be made. Unlike in other countries, medicines cannot be sold in supermarkets or drugstores in Germany, but only in pharmacies.

Remedies and aids

For remedies and aids prescribed by the doctor, such as massages, orthotics and walking aids, a variable excess is payable. As a rule, a maximum of 10 euros applies.

Once again, the doctor issues a prescription for this. You will then receive these services from the respective provider (e.g. massage practice, medical supply store), to whom you also pay the excess.


If dental prosthetics are required, the dentist treating the patient sends the BKK a treatment plan with the estimated costs of the prosthetics electronically. 
You will be informed of the estimated treatment costs by the dental practice by means of a so-called patient information sheet. We contribute to the costs with a subsidy determined by the legislator (fixed subsidy) and also take into account the bonus regulation for regular dental care, i.e. if you have had at least one dental check-up per calendar year 
in the last 5 or 10 years before the year of application, we will pay you a higher fixed subsidy.

The dentist will invoice you directly for your co-payment and any agreed additional services.
For fillings and other measures to preserve teeth, the services that cannot be billed to the statutory health insurance companies are also billed to you privately.

Hospital treatment

If hospital treatment is required, the doctor will write a hospital referral. In acute cases, such as in an accident or a sudden serious illness, you may be admitted even without a doctor‘s referral. In the case of hospital treatment, the insured person must pay an additional charge of 10 euros per day, up to a maximum of 28 days in one calendar year. You will be charged for the additional payment directly by the hospital.

ExtraPlus additional insurance
For some benefits that may only be offered to a limi- ted extent by the statutory health insurance if at all, there is additional insurance cover that the insured person can arrange. There are particularly favourable conditions for people insured with Deutsche Bank BKK with the ExtraPlus tariffs operated by our partner, Barmenia Krankenversicherung AG. If required, we will be happy to help.

Medical check-ups

Many threats to health can be avoided through early detection check-ups. Such check-ups are designed to identify risks in good time and to treat illnesses as early as possible. BKK will therefore cover a whole range of medical check-ups for its members. These include a general health check, cancer screening tests and paediatric examinations for children. The individual check-ups are available to all insured persons depending on their age.

Health check

  • Every three years, starting from the age of 35

Early cancer screening for women

  • Every year, starting from the age of 20

Early cancer screening for men

  • Every year, starting from the age of 45

Paediatric examinations

  • A total of 13 check-ups from birth to the age of 17

Dental check-ups are also covered and should be car- ried out once a year. Regular attendance for check-ups will result in a higher level of benefit from BKK if dentures become necessary. Special dental examinations are also planned for children between the ages of 3 and 6.

Individual health services (IGeL)

These are medical services that are, by law, not part of the catalogue of benefits provided by statutory health insurance and that the insured person himself must pay in the medical practice.

These are offered in the doctor‘s practice, for example by means of brochures, television advertisements or in personal conversation in addition to the contractual services. Examples of individual health services include medical cosmetic services, as well as certain laboratory tests.

Services abroad

In principle, you can also claim BKK benefits abroad if you are there temporarily, for example, for work or va- cation. However, this is limited to the Member States of the European Union (EU) and countries with which Germany has concluded a health insurance agreement. Within the EU, it is sufficient to present your health insurance card, which contains the European Health Insurance Card on the back. For other countries, special forms are required, which you can obtain from the BKK.

ExtraPlus foreign travel health insurance
Many countries levy a high excess on insured per- sons when providing services. These also apply to persons who are insured in Germany and who wish to receive benefits in the relevant country. There are particularly favourable conditions for people insured with Deutsche Bank BKK with the ExtraPlus tariffs operated by our partner, Barmenia Krankenversicherung AG. If required, we will be happy to help.

Inability to work

If an employee is unable to work due to illness, he must notify his employer immediately. The deadline for notification and the form that this must take differ from company to company. At Deutsche Bank, a telephone call is usually sufficient if the inability for work does not last longer than three days. For a longer illness, a doctor‘s note is required. Further information about this can be found on the HR Connect page on the Deutsche Bank intranet or by calling HR-online: 030 / 66 76 90 00.

The employer continues to pay salary for the duration of the illness. According to the law, the company must continue to pay the employee‘s salary for a maximum of six weeks. Thereafter, the health insurance fund will pay a sickness benefit. The amount depends on the previous earnings. The sickness benefit is usually slightly lower, amounting to not more than 90 percent of the net pay. Sickness benefit is paid for illness for no longer than 78 weeks, i.e. one and a half years.

Doctor‘s certificate
The doctor transmits your certificate of incapacity for work directly to the BKK in encrypted and digital form. You no longer need to submit a certificate of incapacity for work to Deutsche Bank's HR department .After you have informed HR about your sick leave, HR retrieves the data from us via a secure and encrypted data connection . This does not include information about your doctor and diagnosis.

Accident insurance

If illness is due to an accident at work, it is not the health insurance company but the accident insurance provider, i.e. the employer‘s liability insurance associ- ation, which bears the costs of the treatment. A work- related accident is also an accident that happens on the way to work or home from work.

In such a case, please inform the doctor or the hospital that this is a work-related accident, so that they can invoice accordingly. You will not need to present your health card in this case. If it later becomes evident that this was not a work-related accident, the employers‘ liability insurance association will settle with the health insurance fund. In addition, you are also obliged to immediately inform your employer of the accident, as the latter must submit a corresponding notification to the employer‘s liability insurance association.

If a treatment is to be charged to the accident insu- rance provider, the employee does not have to bear any excess. The costs are always covered in full. This is a fixed charge for some services, however. If these are exceeded in consultation between the doctor and patient, the patient must bear the excess themselves.

Your contact for „sickness benefit and inability to work"

Your contact for „care insurance and support"

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Veröffentlicht am: 19.05.2021 - Zuletzt geändert am: 09.07.2024